Pool Closing/Opening Sign-up
Click the button below and send us your basic information in order to set up your pool opening or pool closing! We want to help you keep your pool looking great as well as performing great!
Swimming Pool Openings
Proper Procedure for Swimming Pool Openings:
***Please DO NOT use this procedure list as a guide to perform swimming pool openings or swimming pool closings by yourself. This should be left to a professional pool company. Danna Pools Inc. cannot be held responsible for any damage done to any swimming pools, by the owner or anyone else, while performing the following procedure***
- Take winter safety cover off pool
In order to properly perform swimming pool openings, the winter safety cover needs to be removed.
- Unplug plumbing lines and force anti-freeze out of plumbing line using pressurized air
Forcing the anti-freeze out of the plumbing before you clean will prevent having to go back and clean the walls of the pool later.
- Spray down the sides of the pool with water while pumping out any water and debris in the bottom of the pool
Cleaning the walls before you perform the chemical wash is very important. Remove as much dirt and debris as possible in order to properly clean the walls with chlorine or acid.
- Lightly wash was with liquid chlorine or muriatic acid
The chemical was ensures that the pool walls are as clean as possible when you are ready to swim. Any stains or unwanted debris will most likely be removed during this process.
- Clean winter safety cover, fold it up, and store for next winter
The cover will be in storage for many months, so making sure it is as clean as possible is very important to keep it working optimally for many years.
- Fill pool
In order to swim, you will need water in the pool. You can either use water from your hose, or a water truck. We advise not to use well water because of the amount of iron and rust in the water.
- After pool is filled, start the pool system and enjoy!
Upon finishing swimming pool openings, make sure you contact Danna Pools Inc. for weekly maintenance (Click here for more information on Swimming Pool Maintenance) in order to keep your pool looking beautiful all summer long!
Need Financing For Your Pool Project? We Got You Covered!
Click the video below to learn more about how to get your pool project financed. We recommend Lightstream to our clients, but you can use any financing service you choose.
Swimming Pool Closings
Proper Procedure for Swimming Pool Closings:
***Please DO NOT use this procedure list as a guide to perform swimming pool openings or swimming pool closings by yourself. This should be left to a professional pool company. Danna Pools Inc. cannot be held responsible for any damage done to any swimming pools, by the owner or anyone else, while performing the following procedures***
- Turn off pool system
Turning off your system ensures that any work about to take place, will not have a negative effect of the pools pump, filter, or heater.
- Drain pool water down below the return lines
Making sure that the water line is below the pipes in the pool is extremely important! If water gets back into the pipes somehow, you could be facing thousands of dollars in repair costs because the plumbing could freeze over the winter. Unlike swimming pool openings, the water only needs to be below the plumbing for this step, not completely drained.
- Fill all pool plumbing with adequate amount of anti-freeze
This prevents any freezing inside the underground plumbing during the winter.
- Plug all plumbing lines in order to keep anti-freeze inside the pipes
The plugs need to be tight enough so they don’t leak any anti-freeze out.
- Cover pool with winter safety cover
Winter safety covers help prevent any debris from getting into the pool during the winter months, especially animals, leaves, or large amounts of snow and ice (Click here for more information on Swimming Pool Covers).
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