With so many designs and different ways to build swimming pools nowadays, it can be very difficult to decide on what is best for you and your family. Everything from the size and the shape of the pool down to the type of aggregate swimming pool plaster, or finish that is applied can be customized and changed. That is why it is very important to understand what your options are and why you should choose one option over the other. Some pool companies don’t want you to know about all the products. They only want to inform you about the product they sell so they can get more money from you. This is NOT how we operate at Danna Pools Inc. We tell all our clients to do research before purchasing so that they are educated on the subject before throwing money at it. Hopefully this article will help some people make a more educated decision when moving forward with their pool projects in the future. While reading this, be sure to do your own research on aggregate swimming pool plaster. There will be links to various websites within this text.

The first thing to understand is there are a few different ways you can finish a pool surface, and there are truly only 3 different types of pools. There are gunite pools which are made up of a concrete mix called gunite. There are fiberglass pools which are made up of solid fiberglass. Lastly, there are vinyl liner pools which can be above ground or inground, and have a vinyl lining around the surface of the pool. Today we will be discussing gunite pool because they are the only pools that use aggregate swimming pool plaster. If you want more information on how gunite pools and fiberglass pools differ, check out this page on our website: Fiberglass pools vs Gunite pools.

Types of Aggregate Swimming Pool Plaster

Now that you understand a bit about what types of pools are out there, let’s talk about the finishes that are applied to gunite pools. Aggregate swimming pool plaster the main type of finish added to gunite pools because of its long lifespan and beautiful look. There are a few different styles of aggregate plaster including a natural rockscape, jewelscapes, and standard colored plaster.

Stonescape Pool Plaster

Stonescapes are a special type of aggregate swimming pool plaster that give your pool a natural, woodsy look and feel. With small, smooth rocks inserted into the plaster, your pool will take on the look and feel of a riverbed or coastal lake area. These finishes are great if you are into the more natural look, but buyer beware, if you have small children or sensitive feet, you may want to stay away from stonescapes. They are not edged or sharp, but after a while of pool time, they can leave sensitive feet a bit sore. This is why the following plaster types are much more suitable for everyday swimmers or families with children. If you are interested in Stonescapes, check out our supplier for more information NPT Stonescape Pool Finishes.

Jewelscape Pool Plaster

Jewelscapes are another decorative aggregate swimming pool plaster that is sure to turn some heads next time you have company over to swim! Jewelscapes consist of glass beads that are inserted into the plaster that not only give it a great look, but help make your pool sparkle like a diamond in the sunlight. Jewelscapes are an amazing product, but tend to cost a bit more than your everyday aggregate swimming pool plaster. If you have the money, and you like the look, go with jewelscapes. You won’t regret it. Check out more info on jewelscapes at NPT Jewelscape Pool Finishes.

Diamondbrite Pool Plaster

Last but certainly not least is SGM’s Diamondbrite aggregate swimming pool plaster. This is your standard, everyday plaster that more than 80% of pool owners currently have in their backyard. Just because this stuff is common, does not mean it is bland or boring. You will be able to choose from many different colors and styles of Diamondbrite so that you are sure to find the one that fits your personality and pool the best. Danna Pools loves using Diamondbrite aggregate swimming pool plaster because of the convenience and ease of application. Once it is applied, SGM also offers a 10 YEAR WARRANTY on their products! You can’t go wrong with this pool plaster! You can learn more about swimming pool plaster and resurfacing by visiting our website and going to the Pool Plastering and Resurfacing page underneath the Renovations section. You can also visit SGM’s page talking about Diamondbrite Pool Plaster for more info.

I hope this article helped inform you about the many options out there when it comes to choosing the right aggregate swimming pool plaster for your pool. If you found this helpful in any way, please share this with friends and family. The more people that know and understand this information, the better.